IBJ Articles

NFL coaches, investors—focus on process, not outcome


NFL coaches, investors—focus on process, not outcome Mickey Kim  / February 9, 2024 Economist John Maynard Keynes said a successful investor must be “eccentric, unconventional, and rash in the eyes of average opinion.”  The difficulty is, “if he is successful, that will only confirm the general belief [...]

NFL coaches, investors—focus on process, not outcome2024-02-29T16:57:13-05:00

Hoosier native revealed superpower of ‘Simple Man’ lifestyle


Hoosier native revealed superpower of ‘Simple Man’ lifestyle Mickey Kim / December 8, 2023 Geoffrey Holt’s mansion Geoffrey Holt and his luxury SUV Geoffrey Lincoln Holt was born in 1941 in Indianapolis, IN and passed away this June at 82.  By all [...]

Hoosier native revealed superpower of ‘Simple Man’ lifestyle2023-12-13T15:41:47-05:00

EV struggles confirm obituaries for IC were premature


EV struggles confirm obituaries for IC were premature Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / November 3, 2023 Demand for electric vehicles (EV) exploded post-Covid.  Particularly on the coasts and in big cities, EVs became de rigueur among the “green energy” cognoscenti/early adopters (though EVs have actually been around [...]

EV struggles confirm obituaries for IC were premature2023-12-05T14:55:16-05:00

‘Dumb Money’ fuels myth David ‘GameStonked’ Goliath


‘Dumb Money’ fuels myth David ‘GameStonked’ Goliath Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / October 13, 2023 The madness surrounding GameStop (GME) in early 2021 captured the imagination of both professional/institutional investors (“smart money”) and amateur/retail investors (“dumb money”) alike, as the price surged from $18.84 (unadjusted for [...]

‘Dumb Money’ fuels myth David ‘GameStonked’ Goliath2023-10-13T15:48:49-04:00

Not so shocking truth: Investors are own worst enemy


Not so shocking truth: Investors are own worst enemy Mickey Kim / September 15, 2023 In “Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind” (Science--July 2014), Timothy Wilson, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia and colleagues studied whether participants were capable of sitting alone (and without [...]

Not so shocking truth: Investors are own worst enemy2023-09-18T16:14:40-04:00

Fitch downgrade a warning U.S. approaching a financial reckoning


Fitch downgrade a warning U.S. approaching a financial reckoning Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / August 18, 2023 A credit rating is used to predict the likelihood a borrower will repay its debts, on time and in full.  Whether you’re an individual, company or a sovereign nation, a [...]

Fitch downgrade a warning U.S. approaching a financial reckoning2023-08-16T11:36:45-04:00

Federal Reserve’s FedNow Service set to revolutionize, disrupt instant payments


Federal Reserve’s FedNowSM Service set to revolutionize, disrupt instant payments Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / June 23, 2023 As a society, we not only crave, but demand instant gratification.  Whether it’s “One-Click” ordering on Amazon Prime for delivery to our doorstep tomorrow (or even today), streaming the [...]

Federal Reserve’s FedNow Service set to revolutionize, disrupt instant payments2023-06-16T15:36:43-04:00

Debt ceiling brinksmanship the ‘Sword of Damocles’ for investors


Debt ceiling brinksmanship the ‘Sword of Damocles’ for investors Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / May 19, 2023 In an ancient moral parable, the Roman philosopher Cicero told the tale of Dionysius II, a tyrannical king, and his court jester Damocles who commented on the blissful, carefree [...]

Debt ceiling brinksmanship the ‘Sword of Damocles’ for investors2023-06-16T15:39:03-04:00

Behavioral finance biases can destroy NFL Draft, investor returns


Behavioral finance biases can destroy NFL Draft, investor returns Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / April 28, 2023 The NFL Draft and securities markets both provide researchers with huge amounts of data for analyzing “judgement under uncertainty” and “decision under risk.”  Research leads to understanding how NFL [...]

Behavioral finance biases can destroy NFL Draft, investor returns2023-06-16T15:39:16-04:00

SVB’s collapse illustrates fragility of banking’s “confidence game”


SVB’s collapse illustrates fragility of banking’s “confidence game” Mickey Kim and Roger Lee / March 31, 2023 A bank takes money from depositors, who are paid interest for delaying spending.  The bank then lends these funds to borrowers, who pay interest for accelerating spending.  The bank profits on the [...]

SVB’s collapse illustrates fragility of banking’s “confidence game”2023-06-16T15:39:56-04:00
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